And then I stopped fairly abruptly when it started getting too difficult to get around. My balance got so bad that I couldn't steady the camera unless I was sitting down. The walker helped but I couldn't go very far, and I can only take so many photos of the irises and columbines in our own yard. It was pretty depressing - I need creative outlets.
Enter: The Scooter. And Scootography was born. Not only has my range vastly increased, I'm already sitting, so balance isn't an issue. And I'm often eye level with the subject I want to photograph - bees, for instance (you can click on all these photos for a larger view).
Our neighborhood and the ones surrounding us are wonderfully colorful and quirky - not many groomed lawns and arborvitae hedges around here - so I have an endless supply of material to work with. And as soon as I get that scooter lift installed in the Element, the world will be my oyster!
Here's a sample of today's scootography:
Rose of Sharon - how perfect is that center?!
Black-eyed Susan
I love being back behind the lens!
My photo blog is here - I haven't posted very much to it lately, but it too will be back in business soon.
So wonderful to see your pictures again. I've missed them too!
Thank you Linda, dear!
These flowers look good enough to eat! So brilliant and vibrant! You have it, girl. So glad you're back on the move.
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